Contactless payments are here to stay, but many people still have no idea how this kind of card processing technology actually works.
Both MasterCard and Visa have recently launched major campaigns for their contactless payment debit card options – PayPass and payWave respectively – and most banks now issued debit cards with this technology.
But not everyone is familiar with how contactless payments actually work, or how they differ from regular payment options, so this guide should help explain everything needed to take advantage of this new debit card feature.
Step One: Get A PayPass Or payWave Card
While many of the MasterCard and Visa debit cards issued this year have automatically come with contactless technology, most older debit cards will still work of traditional payment systems.
For people who are members of a bank or credit union that now issues contactless payment debit cards, like ANZ or Westpac, upgrading could simply be a matter of calling and requesting a PayPass or payWave debit card.
Other people may want to shop around and compare different bank accounts first, but it is always good to be sure you will get a debit card that can be used with contactless payment processors.
Step Two: Find Out What Merchants Have Contactless Payment Machines
Not every store you go to will be able to offer contactless payment options, so it is a good idea to check what merchants support these debit cards.
MasterCard PayPass cardholders, for example, can pay with this new technology at stores including McDonald’s, Bunnings and 7Eleven, while merchants like JB Hi-Fi, Sumo Salad and IGA accept Visa payWave.
Where contactless payment is not an option, cardholders can still use their debit card in a traditional way so you are never limited when paying by debit.
Step Three: Make A Payment
The payment process is similar for both PayPass and payWave cardholders. Once a contactless machine that matches the MasterCard or Visa card has been found, it is simply a matter of waving or tapping the card to the machine, selecting any account options and waiting for it to be approved.
Any purchases under $100 will not need to be verified with a signature or PIN either, making it even quicker to get from the checkout to the car.
Whatever your payment preference has been in the past, this new contactless payment option gives you even more convenient ways to pay with debit while out and about.
Questions & Answers for the How To Use a Debit Card For Contactless Payments